
19 Jun 2015

SAI responds to Pension Authority’s Consultation on Codes of Governance for DC schemes

The DC consultation process conducted by the Pensions Authority in late 2013 set out the Authority’s views on the future of DC provision and sought responses to specific questions raised. In relation to pension scheme governance the Authority indicated that it would publish a code of governance that would provide trustees with a central reference point for the key areas of a DC scheme.

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29 May 2015

IAA Releases Paper on Own Risk & Solvency Assessment (ORSA)

The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is pleased to announce the publication of the paper “Deriving Value from ORSA - Board Perspective” developed by the Joint ORSA Subcommittee of the IAA’s Insurance Regulation and Enterprise and Financial Risk Committees.

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25 May 2015

The Pensions Authority publishes financial management guidelines for defined benefit schemes

On 22nd May 2015, the Pensions Authority published financial management guidelines for defined benefit schemes.
The guidelines set out what the Authority sees as good practice for trustees to follow in order to understand and manage the funding and investment of their defined benefit scheme
The provisions are divided into four parts:

1. Data about the scheme that the trustees should have available to them
2. Governance practices relevant to financial management
3. Processes that the trustees should follow
4. Analysis that the trustees should undertake

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22 May 2015

SAI responds to Universal Retirement Savings Group Consultation

In April 2015, the Universal Retirement Savings Group (URSG) initiated consultation with stakeholders on developing a roadmap and timeline for the introduction of a new, universal, supplementary workplace retirement saving scheme.

The Society welcomes the opportunity to submit a response to the URSG consultation on the potential parameters of a universal retirement savings system.

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01 May 2015

The Pensions Authority issues Consultation on Codes of Governance for DC Schemes

The DC consultation process conducted by the Pensions Authority in late 2013 set out the Authority’s views on the future of DC provision and sought responses to specific questions raised. In relation to pension scheme governance the Authority indicated that it would publish a code of governance that would provide trustees with a central reference point for the key areas of a DC scheme.

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07 Apr 2015

Society publishes sample risk register and sample risk overview statement for Pension Schemes

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has published a sample risk register and sample risk overview statement to help pension scheme trustees and sponsoring employers, with the assistance of their actuarial advisers, to identify the various risks inherent in pension schemes and to manage these risks effectively. 

Scheme Actuaries, in particular, are encouraged to use the sample risk register to engage with their clients on the broad spectrum of risks, from financial to operational, that pension schemes face. 


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13 Mar 2015

AAE publishes survey on Decumulation of Retirement Benefits

The AAE has carried out a survey amongst its Member Associations on the methods by which an individual can access his/her entitlement to retirement benefits. 16 AAE member organisations contributed to the survey.

The survey serves two purposes. One being to inform the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion about the decumulation landscape in the EU and the other being to provide a directional steer on best practice and main common challenges within the various markets for retirement benefits.

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13 Mar 2015

AAE publishes “Report on key issues for setting up national pension tracking services in six EU countries”.

The Actuarial Association of Europe (“AAE”) has published a “Report on key issues for setting up national pension tracking services in six EU countries”.

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05 Feb 2015

Society commissions research on sustainability of State Pension

The Society has decided to commission an analysis of the financial sustainability of the State Pension in Ireland.  In particular, the research will focus on the key levers (and associated parameters) that could be flexed when considering the sustainability of the State Pension. 

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04 Feb 2015

Society welcomes formation of Pensions Council and Universal Retirement Savings Group

Pensions Council

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland welcomes the Tánaiste’s announcement of the membership of the Pensions Council. 

The Council’s function is to advise the Minister for Social Protection on matters of pensions policy.  Including Brendan Kennedy, Chief Executive of the Pensions Authority, the twelve-person Council includes five of the Society’s Fellow members – the others being Roma Burke, Tony Gilhawley, Sandra Rockett and Dr Shane Whelan – each of whom has a wealth of skills, knowledge and experience to offer. 

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30 Jan 2015

EIOPA publishes a Report on Investment options in the interest of occupational DC scheme members

EIOPA’s latest report maps out the available choices that members of occupational DC pension schemes have in the European context regarding investment in their retirement plans. The report highlights the main issues that national supervisors strive to address in order to ensure the making of effective investment decisions (where effective investment decisions are defined as decisions made in the interest of members, working towards ensuring a sustainable level of pension income).

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