
Start time: 12 pm (with standing lunch)

End time: 2pm - 2.30 pm

TBC (City centre location)

In-person: Actuaries as Directors - how the actuarial skill set aligns with the skill set needed to fulfill the role of a director

The Director’s Interest Group of the Society of Actuaries will present on how core actuarial skills align with those needed to fulfill the role of a director of a company, including companies in adjacent and wider fields.  

The event will include a presentation of how core actuarial skills align with those needed to fulfill the role of a director of a company. This presentation will be followed by a moderated panel discussion with a number of actuaries that currently hold directorships in wider and adjacent fields.

If you are currently a NED or INED, or if you aspire to take on such a role, then you will be interested to hear what our panel of speakers have to say and in particular how some actuaries have transitioned to directorship roles beyond the more traditional actuarial pathways to directorship roles.   

Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Event Type
CPD Event
Event format
Live event