PRIIPs: Similarities and Differences between KIDs as revealed by the SAI Survey
Earlier this year, the Society’s PRIIPs (Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products Regulation) committee commissioned a survey of the implementation of PRIIPs KID legislation and its interaction with the Life Assurance (Provision of Information) Regulations 2001 (as amended).
The meeting will start with a presentation of the results of the responses to the survey given by domestic companies with particular focus on the legislative interpretations regarding content, production, provision, updating, and assumptions and then address concerns raised, the impact of KID documents, and some possible future developments.
Throughout the presentation, reference will be made to how the Irish-based, cross-border compares with domestic companies in relation to all the issues surveyed.
Following the presentation, it is hoped that a range of issues can be gathered from members to feed into the Society’s submission to the EU’s review of PRIIPs legislation scheduled for 2018.
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