The Debt Crisis in Europe, plus a Preview of the SAI's new Financial, Economic & Investment Dataset
Debt Crisis in Europe
Colm will briefly discuss the current debt crisis in Europe from a number of perspectives, including briefly discussing European economic and monetary history.
SAI Financial, Economic and Investment Dataset
In 2010, the Society commissioned some research to produce a Financial, Economic and Investment Dataset that would be of interest and use to actuaries. Approximately 300 years of equity and bond/interest rate data, along with approximately 900 years of inflation and earnings inflation data, were among the data compiled. Colm, who produced the dataset, will introduce it and highlight some of the key findings. The dataset may aid in the setting of financial and investment assumptions. Other possible uses of the dataset will also be discussed.
We are now making the dataset available to members of the Society, and we invite your feedback. We would welcome your thoughts on useful features, possible improvements, potential next steps in terms of uses and audience etc. Also, if you would like to participate in further work - such as analysing parts of the data to understand the trends displayed - do let us know. Please send your thoughts and ideas to us at The dataset is available on the Society's website (member login required) at
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