
6pm - Tea/Coffee

6.30pm - Meeting

8.00pm - Drinks Reception and Finger Food - an ideal networking opportunity for members

Recent qualifiers are particularly encouraged to attend this meeting and reception.

Alexander Hotel

Mortality projections - the latest CMI model and discussions of current practice (followed by a drinks reception)

Open forum: mortality projections – the latest CMI model and discussion of current practice.

Gordon Sharp and Neil Robjohns of the CMI in the UK will present “CMI_2010” a mortality projection model developed by the CMI. The speakers will give an overview of the history of “CMI_2010” and describe its use. The model assumes that “current” (i.e. recently observed) rates of change blend over time to a long-term rate of change. The model components include base mortality rates, initial and long term rates of mortality improvement and assumed pattern and speed of convergence of the rates. Users may either accept the default model components or customise the model to reflect local experience. The question and answer session will give members the opportunity to discuss current and future practice in setting mortality assumptions in Ireland. This meeting will be of broad appeal to members and will be followed by a drinks reception.

Further details on “CMI_2010” and the associated working paper no. 49 can be found here:


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Cost (members)
No charge
Cost (non-members)
Event Type
Evening Meeting
Gordon Sharp and Neil Robjohns
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Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 110330 Mortality Projections Model.pdf 1.84 MB Download