
6pm - Tea/Coffee

6.30pm - Meeting

8pm - Dinner

Alexander Hotel

The future for Irish actuaries - the international dimension

Philip Shier, Chairman of the SAI’s International Committee and Chairman of the Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen Pensions Committee

Philip will give a brief introduction outlining the role the Society plays in international matters.

Paul Thornton, President of the IAA

Paul will aim to show how the day-to-day work of actuaries in Ireland is being influenced by the international agenda and how actuaries can benefit by participating in IAA activities. 

Bruce Maxwell, Chairman of the Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

Bruce will give an update on the developments around Actuarial Standards in Europe and internationally.  In particular, he will cover the Groupe’s work on Solvency II.


To access podcast please contact the Society: 

Cost (members)
No charge for members/€50 for non members/€50 if staying for dinner
Event Type
Evening Meeting
Bruce Maxwell, Paul Thornton & Philip Shier
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 100921 International - Philip Shier.pdf 197.4 KB Download
30/11/2016 100921 International - Bruce Maxwell.pdf 71.41 KB Download
30/11/2016 100921 International - Paul Thornton.pdf 255.54 KB Download