CPD period 1st July 2019 to 31st August 2021

We are now approaching the end of the current CPD period from 1st July 2019 to 31st August 2021.  

As you are aware, changes were made to the CPD requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  For more details on those changes, please read this document and this page.

So, what happens now?

For most Fellows and Associates (including members working outside of Ireland who are also members of other Actuarial Associations), there is a mandatory requirement to submit CPD Returns, a Category Declaration and a Compliance Declaration to the Society.

  1. Firstly, check your CPD Category Declaration here.  Is it correct?  If yes, move onto the next point.  If not, update your Category Declaration here https://web.actuaries.ie/node/add/category. If you are unsure which category you fall into, definitions for all five categories are listed on that page too.

  2. Next, check that you have submitted details of all CPD activities carried out since the 1st July 2019 until 31st August 2021 by going here https://web.actuaries.ie/node/add/return.  If you attended any SAI events during that time, you will be able to create a return directly from your My Reservation page, assuming you were logged into the website at the time of making your reservation.

  3. Once you have submitted details of all your CPD activities, check to ensure you have met the minimum requirements by checking your Full CPD Report. There is a handy table at the bottom of your Full CPD report page that lists the minimum requirements for each category of member. You should enter all your CPD even if this is more than your requirement as the new CPD Scheme permits some carry forward (see the new scheme here).
  4. If you have submitted sufficient returns to meet the minimum requirement for your category, you can now submit a Compliance Declaration.  If you have submitted all your returns but have not yet met the minimum requirements for your category, please see ‘Resources’ below for details on other CPD opportunities you could complete before the 31st August.

Proportional CPD

If you joined the Society during the current CPD period, or transferred to Associate or Fellow during the period, you may submit a proportional amount of CPD.

This also applies to any Associate or Fellow who was a Category 3 member for more than three months during the CPD period.  Please refer to ASP PA-1 and the Guide to the Scheme for more details on this.

Important Dates

  • The current CPD period ends on 31st August 2021
  • Please submit your returns as soon as possible but in any event not later than 28th September.

Documents on the CPD Scheme

Other CPD Resources

  • Professionalism CPD resources
  • Actuview:  The top five most watched videos on actuview are:
    • Current Topics paper 2020
    • A review of the risk margin – Solvency II and beyond
    • Behavioural Risk Management for Trustees
    • Life Re Forum Innovation Series
    • Investing and COVID-19:  An Irish Perspective
  • If you booked and paid for the 2020 Annual Convention and/or the 2021 Life Forum, you can log onto the platform until the 31st August to watch back on presentations you may have missed on the day.

Note for fully-regulated members of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries, based in the UK

If you are a fully-regulated member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA), and your work relates wholly or mainly to UK entities, you do not have to submit full details of CPD completed to the Society (unless you hold a practising certificate issued by the Society).   It is sufficient to submit a CPD Category Declaration, if your category has changed since your last Declaration, and a CPD Compliance Declaration confirming that you have complied with the IFoA’s scheme (if that is the case).

If you have any queries in relation to CPD that is not addressed in the ASP or Guide, please email cpd@actuaries.ie.

Did you know?


A revised CPD Scheme will come into effect from 1st September 2021.  ASP PA-1 version 2.0, Continuing Professional Development is available here.