Generally, once your name has appeared on the appropriate pass lists you will receive instructions on how to transfer from the IFOA. However, here is a summary of the key steps involved:
- Ensure the minimum PPD requirements are met to transfer to Fellow\Associate.
Further details of the minimum PPD requirements for each membership type can found on the IFOA website at:
- Identify a Fellow actuary who will sign off your PPD submission to IFOA. This should be someone who works above or alongside you in your current role.
- Complete “Final Sign Off Form WBS\PPD Form”. This can be found on the IFOA website at:
If your final exam result is in December you have until the following mid January\February to submit the form to be included as a Qualified Associate\Fellow in the calendar year that you passed your final exam. The cut off dates change annually however details of these can be found on the IFOA website at:
- Resolve any queries the IFOA has raised with the PPD submission record. Generally, the IFOA will wish to raise and resolve these queries within 5 weeks following submission. You should check your email to ensure no correspondence is overlooked.
- Complete & sign an IFOA transfer of membership form that will be sent to you.
Members of any category who become qualified for membership of another category at any point during the subscription year shall be transferred on request. Members will be required to pay the difference between the subscription already paid and the full subscription due in respect of the membership category the member is being transferred to.
- Sign up and complete SAI Graduation Programme within 12 months of completing your exams. See the Society’s website for the next course. See Upcoming Events here.
- Complete the SAI membership category transfer form online within your member account, or by downloading:
- Associate: 'Transfer to Associate' download application form here.
- Fellow: 'Transfer to Fellow' online application form on SAI website here.
The inclusion of external information here is for information only and does not imply that it has been vetted or endorsed by the Society. The Society bears no responsibility for the accuracy, or content of external sites or links.
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