Disclaimer: This information is provided to facilitate Scheme Actuaries in verifying MVA calculations for the purposes of ASP Pen-2, Retirement benefit scheme transfer values. The Society endeavours to ensure that the information shown is correct. However, the Society does not accept responsibility for any party’s reliance on the information shown or for any action taken on foot of the information shown. Should you believe that any information shown is incorrect, please contact the Society at info@actuaries.ie. | ||||
Month & Year | 4.6% Treasury 2016 | MVA1 | France Tresor OATi 2029 |
MVA 2 |
July 31, 2005 | 3.34% | 1.440 | 1.58% | 1.318 |
June 30, 2005 | 3.16% | 1.440 | 1.55% | 1.318 |
May 31, 2005 | 3.35% | 1.440 | 1.66% | 1.279 |
April 30, 2005 | 3.46% | 1.403 | 1.73% | 1.279 |
March 31, 2005 | 3.68% | 1.368 | 1.77% | 1.279 |
February 28, 2005 | 3.78% | 1.368 | 1.88% | 1.242 |
January 31, 2005 | 3.59% | 1.403 | 1.71% | 1.279 |
December 31, 2004 | 3.72% | 1.368 | 1.84% | 1.279 |
November 30, 2004 | 3.85% | 1.368 | 2.02% | 1.242 |
October 31, 2004 | 4.03% | 1.334 | 2.13% | 1.206 |
September 30, 2004 | 4.22% | 1.300 | 2.22% | 1.206 |
August 31, 2004 | 4.19% | 1.300 | 2.27% | 1.206 |
July 31, 2004 | 4.37% | 1.300 | 2.39% | 1.171 |
June 30, 2004 | 4.48% | 1.268 | 2.34% | 1.206 |
May 31, 2004 | 4.54% | 1.268 | 2.41% | 1.171 |
April 30, 2004 | 4.40% | 1.268 | 2.40% | 1.171 |
March 31, 2004 | 4.25% | 1.300 | 2.29% | 1.206 |
February 29, 2004 | 4.32% | 1.300 | 2.38% | 1.171 |
January 31, 2004 | 4.49% | 1.268 | 2.53% | 1.171 |
December 31, 2003 | 4.43% | 1.268 | 2.525% | 1.171 |
November 30, 2003 | 4.64% | 1.238 | 2.62% | 1.171 |
October 31, 2003 | 4.54% | 1.268 | 2.56% | 1.171 |
September 30, 2003 | 4.27% | 1.300 | 2.54% | 1.171 |
August 31, 2003 | 4.43% | 1.268 | 2.68% | 1.138 |
July 31, 2003 | 4.47% | 1.268 | 2.81% | 1.138 |
June 30, 2003 | 4.15% | 1.300 | 2.76% | 1.138 |
May 31 2003 | 4.08% | 1.334 | 2.55% | 1.171 |
April 30, 2003 | 4.42% | 1.268 | 2.87% | 1.138 |
March 31, 2003 | 4.41% | 1.268 | 2.66% | 1.138 |
February 28, 2003 | 4.34% | 1.299 | 2.57% | 1.171 |
January 31, 2003 | 4.43% | 1.268 | 2.95% | 1.105 |
December 31, 2002 | 4.56% | 1.268 | 2.90% | 1.105 |
November 30, 2002 | 4.90% | 1.208 | 3.19% | 1.074 |
October 31, 2002 | 4.92% | 1.208 | 3.25% | 1.074 |
September 30, 2002 | 4.76% | 1.238 | 3.02% | 1.105 |
August 31, 2002 | 4.95% | 1.208 | 3.15% | 1.074 |
July 31,2002 | 5.14% | 1.179 | 3.27% | 1.074 |
June 30, 2002 | 5.26% | 1.179 | 3.34% | 1.074 |
May 31, 2002 | 5.48% | 1.151 | 3.45% | 1.044 |
April 30, 2002 | 5.48% | 1.151 | 3.47% | 1.044 |
March 31, 2002 | 5.55% | 1.151 | 3.59% | 1.044 |
February 28, 2002 | 5.33% | 1.179 | 3.52% | 1.044 |
January 31, 2002 | 5.29% | 1.179 | 3.54% | 1.044 |
December 31, 2001 | 5.31% | 1.179 | 3.51% | 1.044 |
November 30, 2001 | 4.99% | 1.208 | 3.45% | 1.044 |
October 31, 2001 | 4.99% | 1.208 | 3.52% | 1.044 |
September 28, 2001 | 5.34% | 1.179 | 3.60% | 1.044 |
August 31, 2001 | 5.37% | 1.179 | 3.57% | 1.044 |
July 31,2001 | 5.42% | 1.151 | 3.69% | 1.015 |
June 30, 2001 | 5.52% | 1.151 | 3.62% | 1.044 |
May 31, 2001 | 5.65% | 1.123 | 3.66% | 1.015 |
April 30, 2001 | 5.47% | 1.151 | 3.68% | 1.015 |
March 31, 2001 | 5.25% | 1.179 | 3.55% | 1.044 |
Feb 28, 2001 | 5.29% | 1.179 | 3.56% | 1.044 |
Jan 31, 2001 | 5.25% | 1.179 | 3.65% | 1.015 |
Dec 31, 2000 | 5.30% | 1.179 | 3.58% | 1.044 |