
Actuarial Standard of Practice

Actuarial financial condition reports (withdrawn 14.03.2019)

Actuarial financial condition reports (withdrawn 14.03.2019) ASP LA-2 Demography Life Assurance GN2(ROI) Mandatory Guidelines issued by the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority requiring Actuarial Financial Condition Reports from life assurance …
Last updated: 16 Jan 2020
Actuarial Standard of Practice

Appointed Actuaries and life assurance business (withdrawn 14.03.2019)

Appointed Actuaries and life assurance business (withdrawn 14.03.2019) ASP LA-1 Demography Life Assurance GN1(ROI) Mandatory Insurance Act 1989; European Communities (Life Assurance) Framework Regulations 1994 Version 1.0 (effective 25.04.1995) Version …
Last updated: 16 Jan 2020

Excess Mortality Blog #8

Excess Mortality Blog #8 We all knew beforehand that the excesses of the festive period would cause a spike in COVID-19 infection. Nonetheless, the magnitude of the spike seen and the extent to which it has translated into increased hospitalisations and …
Last updated: 16 Feb 2021

Excess Mortality Blog #9

Excess Mortality Blog #9 Despite the challenges of limiting social interaction during the darker winter days, we have persevered. We are deep into another lockdown and the impacts are starting to be visible in the data, there has been a big drop the …
Last updated: 09 Mar 2021

Excess Mortality

Excess Mortality Excess mortality blog post #1 Every time you turn on the news or open a newspaper these days, there is talk about excess mortality in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. At this stage, most people are aware that excess mortality …
Last updated: 06 Jan 2021

Excess Mortality - Gender & COVID-19

Excess Mortality - Gender & COVID-19 Excess Mortality - blog post #2 In this post, we ask ourselves whether there is any evidence of gender bias in the COVID-19 deaths in Ireland as has been reported in other jurisdictions. We have built on our work and …
Last updated: 05 Jan 2021

Excess Mortality - Analysis Review

Excess Mortality - Analysis Review Excess mortality blog post #3 Life in Ireland has changed rapidly throughout 2020 as COVID-19 has spread throughout our island. The pace of change makes it essential that we keep reviewing our analysis of the situation. …
Last updated: 05 Jan 2021

Excess Mortality - July Analysis

Excess Mortality - July Analysis Excess mortality blog post #4 We continue to adjust to changes brought on by COVID-19 and, as we move through the Government’s phased reopening of society, we have started to see some ‘normality’ return to life in Ireland. …
Last updated: 05 Jan 2021