Waves of change -The shifting insurance landscape in rapid-growth markets

Submitted on 10th June 2015

Rapid-growth markets (RGMs) are essential to the expansion strategies of global insurers – and, a new wave of RGMs are rising alongside BRICs for insurance companies seeking to expand their business. According to our new report, Waves of Change: The shifting insurance landscape in rapid-growth markets, elements of profound regulatory, macroeconomic and consumer change have shifted both the opportunity horizon and risk outlook. Recognizing this shift, we worked with Oxford Economics to analyse the global rebalancing of insurance markets across the Americas, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. The report features a matrix assessing the risk and opportunity profiles for 21 global RGMs (including China, Indonesia, Hong Kong, India, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Mexico and Brazil). It is designed to help insurance executives weigh the opportunities against the risks of doing business in individual economies, and the analysis reflects a variety of indicators and forecasts.

Ernst & Young
Length of Resource
36 pages
Resource File
Ernst & Young
Date Published
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