Cyber Risk: A Big Challenge in Developed and Emerging Markets

Submitted on 7th September 2017

The dependence on cyberspace has considerably increased over time, as such, people look at risk associated with cyber technology. This chapter focuses on the cyber risk issue. The authors aim to describe the global state of the art and point out the potential negative consequences of this type of systemic risk. Cyber risk increasingly affects both public and private institutions. Some of the risks that entities face are the following: computer security breaches, cyber theft, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage. Developed nations but also emerging markets suffer from cyber risk. It is therefore important to examine the different security regulation implemented across different markets. Moreover, cyber risk is a concern for all economic sectors. In particular, it is a crucial issue in banking sector because of the negative effects of cyber attacks, among others, the financial losses and the reputational risk. However, the awareness is increasing and cyber insurance is growing.

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Handbook of Research on Modern Cryptographic Solutions for Computer and Cyber Security
Length of Resource
16 pages
Maria Cristina Arcuri, Marina Brogi and Gino Gandolfi
Date Published
Publication Type
Resource Type