Company characteristics and enterprise risk management disclosure: Empirical study on Indonesia listed companies

Submitted on 7th September 2017

This research aims to obtain the empirical evidence about the effect of company’s characteristics to the enterprise risk management disclosure in the annual report of banking companies. The population in this research are all banking companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange during period 2010-2013. Total sample is 25 banking companies in four years observation time. So, total sample that is examined are 100 samples. Statistic method that is used to examine the hypothesis is multiple regression. The results of this research are found that simultaneously, independent variables are the companies’ characteristics that consists of company size, leverage, management ownership, public ownership, profitability, liquidity and type of auditor have a significant effect to enterprise risk management disclosure. Whereas partially, company size, management ownership and type of auditor has positive and significant effect to the enterprise risk management disclosure. While public ownership has a negative and significant effect to enterprise risk management disclosure and leverage, profitability and liquidity has insignificant effect to the enterprise risk management disclosure.

International journal of applied Business and Economic Research
Length of Resource
18 pages
Mohammad Adam, Mukhtaruddin, Hasni Yusrianti and Sulistiani
Date Published
Publication Type
Resource Type