
13 May 2010

Financial Regulator holds Solvency II Insurance Forum and signals other regulatory initiatives

In an address to a Financial Regulator Solvency II Insurance Forum this week, Jonathan McMahon, Assistant Director General, Financial Institutions Supervision, urged companies to allocate significant resources to the implementation of Pillar 2 (risk management and governance) and Pillar 3 (supervisor reporting and disclosure) of the Solvency II framework.  He commented that the implementation of Basel II (The Capital Requirements Directive) led banks and regulators to place too much importance on models and their outputs.  He stressed that, while high quality models are important,

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16 Feb 2010

New Financial Services Ombudsman appointed

Mr Bill Prasifka, currently Chairman of the Competition Authority, has been appointed as Financial Services Ombudsman.  He replaces Mr Joe Meade, who retired last month.

It is expected that Mr Prasifka will take up his appointment by the end of March 2010 or soon thereafter. Mr PJ Fitzpatrick will remain as Interim Ombudsman until then.

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28 Jan 2010

Solvency II: CEIOPS sets up QIS5 Task Force

CEIOPS Members have agreed to set up a specialized Task Force led by the CEIOPS Secretariat to deliver on the 5th Quantitative Impact Study (QIS 5), the final Quantitative Impact Study under Solvency II.

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