
10 May 2010

CEA presses for further work on Solvency II implementing measures

The CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, has called for more work to be done on the Solvency II implementing measures.  It has also called for changes to the draft specifications for the fifth Quantitative Impact Study (QIS5).  The CEA’s director general, Michaela Koller, said: “Although we welcome the modifications that the European Commission has already made to the implementing measures and the QIS5 specifications, the proposed measures are still too conservative in many areas and much work remains to be done before they truly

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16 Apr 2010

Solvency II Calibration Paper

CEIOPS  has published a paper titled “Solvency II Calibration Paper”.  The paper provides background information to the technical analysis carried out by CEIOPS for the calibration of key parameters of the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) standard formula and the calculation of technical provisions for the purpose of Quantitative Impact Study 5 (QIS5).

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31 Mar 2010

Solvency II: CEIOPS publishes guidance on Pre-Application Process for Internal Models

CEIOPS (the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors) has published guidance on the pre-application process for internal models.  The pre-application process facilitates dialogue between undertakings and supervisory authorities prior to the submission of a formal application for approval of an internal model.

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03 Mar 2010

Solvency II: CEIOPS publishes Task Force Report on the Liquidity Premium

CEIOPS has submitted to the European Commission the Task Force Report on the Liquidity Premium containing technical considerations regarding the application of a liquidity premium for the valuation of insurance liabilities, principles for extrapolation and considerations on the choice of the reference risk-free rat

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28 Jan 2010

Solvency II: CEIOPS sets up QIS5 Task Force

CEIOPS Members have agreed to set up a specialized Task Force led by the CEIOPS Secretariat to deliver on the 5th Quantitative Impact Study (QIS 5), the final Quantitative Impact Study under Solvency II.

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12 Nov 2009

CEIOPS publishes final advice on vast majority of Solvency II Level 2 Implementing Measures

Following approval by its Members on 30 October 2009, CEIOPS has delivered its final advice on the vast majority of Solvency II Level 2 Implementing Measures together with a cover letter and a

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