Unsubscribing from SAI emails

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland uses email as its main way of communicating with members. We aim to send emails twice a week:

  • A weekly news update
  • A weekly events update, highlighting the events we have planned for the month ahead

There are times when we may send additional emails, such as details regarding your membership subscription, CPD requirements, regulatory updates, death notices, press releases, or specific event information. However, we strive to keep these to a minimum.

If you wish to unsubscribe from our email communications, please let us know by emailing us at info@actuaries.ie.

Please note that while we respect your choice to unsubscribe, there are certain important emails that we are required to send, such as regulatory updates and communications specifically related to your membership.

Your feedback is important to us, and we’d appreciate it if you could share your reasons for unsubscribing in your email.