Life Forum 2022

The SAI Life Committee is currently in the planning stages for the 2022 Life Forum and is inviting expressions of interest from members and non-members who would like to deliver a session at this event.  We are currently provisionally holding Tuesday, 17th May 2022 for this event to run as a virtual event.  

Expressions of interest 

Please email by Monday, 28th February 2022 to express your interest in getting involved.   

Please provide a short outline of your proposal:  

  • Topic and format of session (e.g., presentation followed by Q&A, Panel Discussion etc);  
  • The technical level of knowledge that the audience would need in order to understand the topic (beginner / intermediate / advanced);  
  • If the speakers are decided: the employer and contact details for each speaker; and  
  • Whether the session has been (or will/might be) delivered elsewhere and if so, where and when.   

The proposed length is around 40mins including approximately 10 minutes for questions.  

We will then review all submissions and will be in touch to confirm if your proposal has been accepted onto the 2022 agenda.  

We look forward to hearing from you!