Guidance extract for Life Reinsurance Signing Actuaries

An applicant should normally be able to demonstrate the equivalent of three years’ full-time experience as a Fellow Member in the last six years carrying out appropriate work relating to life reinsurance business or life assurance business at a senior level.

For an unrestricted certificate, recent appropriate practical experience should include experience of reserving for a wide range of life insurance risks and life reinsurance structures.

For a certificate that is specific to the life reinsurance business of a particular company, recent appropriate practical experience should include experience of reserving for the types of business written by that company (having regard to the nature of the underlying insurance risks and the nature of the reinsurance structures). Reserving experience gained within a direct-writing office may be taken into account provided that it is constitutes reserving for comparable risks.

For a certificate that is specific to certain classes of business, recent appropriate practical experience should include experience of reserving for the relevant classes of business (having regard to the nature of the underlying insurance risks and the nature of the reinsurance structures). Reserving experience gained within a direct-writing office may be taken into account provided that it is constitutes reserving for comparable risks.

N.B. Updated details of recent relevant experience will be required every three years when renewing your certificate.