
8.00 am - 11:30 am


EAA Web Session: Life Biometric Assumptions: Bringing Together New & Classic Methods

Announcement from the EAA organiser: 

Advances in data analytics techniques, along with greater availability of data, have significantly impacted many industries. However, in insurance, these advances merely add to the technical foundations upon which the industry was built. It is only recently that modern data analytics techniques have begun to impact insurance companies, especially in the work actuaries do.

The impact has been even slower to emerge in the life insurance sector where, due to the nature of the business, there is significantly less claims and exposure data available compared to non-life insurance. As a result, classic data analytics techniques and data sources are still key to the work actuaries do, especially when developing biometric assumptions. However, given the important role biometric assumptions play in the success of a company, it is important to understand how and if these new techniques should be applied.

To help make sense of the evolving landscape, this web session looks at the various components of life biometric assumptions (e.g. mortality tables, adjustment factors, improvement factors, etc.). For each component the potential sources of internal and external data will be explored. From there the value of classic data analytics techniques, particularly credibility theory, will be discussed, as well as modern techniques, such as machine learning. All of this will be brought together to give an understanding of the benefits, drawbacks, and pitfalls of the various data sources and analytics techniques, including considerations for data privacy and discrimination. The participants can then use this knowledge to effectively gain the benefits from each based on the quality and quantity of data available within their company and its market.

Click here to make a reservation. Your early-bird registration fee is € 180.00 (net) / € 214.20 (incl. VAT, if applicable) for bookings by 24 October 2024. After this date, the fee will be € 250.00 (net) / € 297.50 (incl. VAT, if applicable).


Click here. (Note: timing via that link is in CEST [Central European Summer Time].)

Biographical details

Bill Jackson began his actuarial career in the United States as a life pricing actuary at Munich Re. After obtaining his Fellowship in the US Society of Actuaries in 2011, he moved to Germany with Munich Re to help develop the life pricing capabilities in Europe and Latin America. He joined Allianz SE 2019-2023 supporting life pricing for the global operating entities. This included pioneering the use of machine learning in the development of biometric assumptions for mortality products.

Event Type
Event format
Virtual event
Bill Jackson
European Actuarial Academy (EAA)