
Monday, 28th October to Thursday, 31st October 2024


EAA Web Session: Communication for Actuaries

Announcement from the EAA organiser:

The work that actuaries perform plays an important role in society and in a wide variety of areas as the profession is also developing in non-traditional fields. The most common challenge in your work often refers to communicating your findings, results, ideas and arguments to various stakeholders (e.g. non-actuaries) who don’t have that technical knowledge and who look at the business from different angles.

As actuary, you speak your own technical language and feel safe in the universe of numbers and formulas, maybe less so in the universe of words, paragraphs and interactions. The course Communication for Actuaries will help you to improve your communication skills so you can achieve an effective communication with any stakeholder. Consequently, this will increase your confidence and allow you to make the desired impact with your work and to achieve your objectives.

The Communication for Actuaries course is tailor-made for actuaries and the situations that you encounter. It is an interactive training course that ensures that the theory is immediately applied through various exercises (e.g. exchanges in small groups, role-plays, discussions) that relate to terms or situations of your day-to-day work.

The course is designed to give you a solid foundation on the topic of communication and to practice what you learn so you can use the gained knowledge and confidence in areas that are relevant for your work. The last day offers you the opportunity to make a short presentation specific to your work for which you will be given individual feedback. At the end of the course, you will know exactly how to tackle your next communication challenge.

The overall 12-hour course covers specific topics like:

  • Communication patterns/models, types of behavior/learning
  • Verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills
  • Virtual communication
  • Presentation (as if “on stage“ and “on screen”) skills
  • Discussion & Negotiation

During the web session, the participants will learn to:

  • Communicate effectively a clear message to any stakeholder
  • Make sure that the message is being understood (Make the „complicated“ „easy-to–understand“ to non-actuaries)
  • Structure their thoughts and findings in an effective way
  • Recognize which patterns/words can have the best impact for which target group
  • Practice in writing, in role plays and in presenting
  • Participate/lead discussions and negotiations effectively
  • Use their voice in a healthy and stable way
  • Increase the chance of achieving their objectives with their work
  • Come across as credible, confident and constructive business partners

Maximum of 20 participants.

Click here to make a registration. The early-bird registration fee for attendees with a non-company billing address or a German company billing address is € 856.80 for bookings by 16 September 2024. After this date, the fee will be € 1,112.65.


Click here (Note: timing via that link is in CEST [Central European Summer Time].)

Biographical details

Caroline Grégoire
Caroline Grégoire is an international mentor, coach and keynote speaker. She gathered 20+ years of experience in the (re)insurance, actuarial and risk management fields in international environments and in different leadership positions. Caroline works with leaders and managers in the finance, insurance and actuarial sectors on the communication, leadership, resilience, strategy and culture aspects of their work.

Caroline is an accomplished lecturer on the communication course of the German Actuarial Association. She was a speaker at numerous events (ICA, ECA, CERA Global Conference, The Growth Actuary Summit, International Actuaries Day, etc.). She has also collaborated with various actuarial associations in recent years. She is an associate member of the Swedish Actuarial Society (“Svenska Aktuarieföreningen”) and a member of the German Speakers Association. She is fluent in English, French, German and Swedish. See more on

Event Type
Event format
Virtual event
Caroline Grégoire
European Actuarial Academy (EAA)