


DATE TBD: Webinar: The Social Housing Asset Class and its Insurance

This event has been postponed to a later date. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.


This event is taking place virtually, over Zoom. Click here to read the Zoom user guidance notes.


Please note: this webinar will not be recorded


A webinar describing the Social Housing market in Ireland including its size and investment capital, insurance considerations, and the key funding bodies for the market including the Approved Housing Bodies.


Biographical details

Martina Westphal is the Managing Director of BHP Insurance which is one of the pre-eminent brokers for the Social Housing market.  Martina also led the acquisition of BHP Insurance and it’s sale to PIB.

Event Type
CPD Event
Event format
Virtual event
Speaker: Martina Westphal
Chair: Aaron Kilboy