
Start time: 12.30 pm

End time: 2.00 pm


Webinar: Wider Fields Actuaries in traditional companies

A video of this event is now available to view on:



This event is aimed at shining the spotlight on actuaries who are employed by traditional employers of actuaries (e.g. insurance/reinsurance companies, pension consultancies) but who have moved to roles which haven’t traditionally been occupied by actuaries (e.g. sales, marketing, IT, underwriting, customer services, strategy/innovation etc.)

The event will be chaired by Gareth McQuillan, Chair of the Wider Fields Committee and our speakers are

  • Gavin Maguire - Life Assurance
  • Mairead O'Mahony - Pensions
  • James Roberts - General Insurance

This event will be run as a live webinar using Zoom. Click here for information on using Zoom.

NB: As a security measure, there is a two-step registration process before you receive the link to join any webinar.  The first step is to register your interest in attending a webinar by making a reservation for an event via the Society’s website.  You will receive a link to then register via the Zoom platform.  It is after this second registration step that you will receive the link to join the webinar. 

Biographical details

Gavin Maguire Gavin is currently Deputy Head of the UK and Irish markets at SCOR Life & Health. He started his career with Irish Life and worked in a range of Pricing and Product Development roles. In 2015 he joined SCOR as a Reinsurance Pricing Actuary before moving into Client Management and then on to head up their Life & Health Innovation team. In both these roles he worked with insurers and insurtechs in UK and Ireland to use Data and Technology to improve customer outcomes.

James Roberts James began his actuarial career in RSA in Dublin. Having worked in both pricing and capital, he moved to Toronto, Canada to help build RSA’s capital modelling team. In 2016 he took the first of a series of commercial business leadership roles, first as the chief of staff for the commercial business and later as portfolio director for SME. He currently works in Zurich in Toronto where he leads the Analytics, Reinsurance and Accumulation Mgmt. functions. 

Mairead O'Mahony Mairéad is the incoming CEO for Aon Solutions Ireland, commencing in June 2022. In her new role, she will head up Aon’s Wealth Solutions business and lead its retirement and investment market offering. With over 20 years experience in the pensions and investments industry, Mairéad recently held the position of Chief Commercial Officer, and before this led the Irish DC and individual advice businesses, for another large pensions/investments firm. Mairéad graduated from UCD's actuarial degree in 2003 and qualified as an actuary in 2006. She has a keen interest in D&I and is deputy Chair of the Society of Actuaries D&I Committee.

Event Type
Web Session
Gavin Maguire, Life Assurance | Mairead O'Mahony, Pensions | James Roberts, General Insurance
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
14/04/2022 SAI User Guide for Zoom webinars - Participants.pdf 161.57 KB Download
06/05/2022 Wider Fields Actuaries in traditional companies - Slide Deck 396.71 KB Download