
Start time: 12.00 pm

End time: 1.00 pm


Are Financial Markets Predictable? A Machine Learning Perspective

Announcements from the CFA organiser: CFA Society Ireland welcomes Dr Yves Hilpisch to share his perspective on financial market predictability using machine learning techniques.


This event is FREE to Society Members

Non members €20

CFA Candidates €10

Click here to make a reservation. Registration closes on 5th October.

Biographical details

Dr Hilpisch is widely known in the industry thanks to multiple books in the field of quantitative finance. Dr Hilpisch is the founder and the CEO of The Python Quants (, a group focusing on the use of open-source technologies for financial data science, artificial intelligence, algorithmic trading, and computational finance. He is also the founder and the CEO of The AI Machine (, a company focused on AI-powered algorithmic trading based on a proprietary strategy execution platform.

Event Type
Web Session
Dr Yves Hilpisch
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)