
Start time: 12.30 pm

End time: 1.30 pm


Webinar: Life Re Forum Innovation Series: Harvey Nash/KPMG CIO Survey 2020 – Everything changed. Or did it?

This event will be run as a live webinar using Zoom. Click here for information on using Zoom.

If you missed this webinar, you can catch the recording on:

Since Harvey Nash and KPMG have been running the CIO survey, we have always witnessed significant changes relative to the previous year, but this year has been a little different. We went into lockdown and all had to adapt. The economy changed. Technology changed. Even the concept of ‘location’ changed. 

Or did it? As we piece together a new normal, we will undoubtedly find a lot of the old normal is still there.

Join us when we look at changing and remaining board priorities across industries and dive deeper into Banking and Insurance specifics, examining developments in Technology strategy, Technology Delivery, People, Cyber and Data.


NB: As a security measure, there is a two-step registration process before you receive the link to join any webinar.  The first step is to register your interest in attending a webinar by making a reservation for an event via the Society’s website.  You will receive a link to then register via the Zoom platform.  It is after this second registration step that you will receive the link to join the webinar.

Biographical details

Thorsten Schulz-Gerhardt is a Director with KPMG UK, focusing on Technology Strategy and Transformation in Financial Services. He experienced firsthand the findings from the CIO Survey 2020, having worked closely with his clients through this period.

Event Type
Web Session
Thorsten Schulz-Gerhardt, KPMG UK
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
29/03/2021 SAI User Guide for Zoom webinars - Participants.pdf 142.96 KB Download
05/05/2021 SLIDES 1.35 MB Download