
Start time: 9.00 am GMT

End time: 11.00 am GMT


Epidemiological Update COVID-19: End of Pandemic Already in Spring 2021?

Announcements from the European Actuarial Academy organiser: In many countries, the worst now seems to be over or do we face a second more challenging wave? In this web session, Florian Gomez, Head of Global Methodology (L&H) of PartnerRe, and Achim Regenauer, Chief Medical Officer present the new insights (e.g. vaccine development, long COVID (persistent complications), 2nd or 3rd wave, aggressive subtypes due to mutations, length of immunity reinfection, recovery, impact on pricing of life products, current epidemiologic trends etc.) and scenarios about the further evolvement and tackling this new pandemic.

The web session is open to all interested persons working within the insurance industry.

The aim of this web session is to provide an overview of the Corona pandemic with a clear mandate to differentiate facts from emotional, “half-news” or even fake news. It should also offer a guidance for a better understanding of possible implications for insurance industry, particularly life insurance

The registration fee is € 100.00 plus 16% VAT. Click here to make a reservation

Technical Requirements

Please check with your IT department if your firewall and computer settings support web session participation (the programme GoToWebinar/GoToTraining is used for this online training). Please also make sure that you are joining the web session with a stable internet connection.

  • Dynamics of infection, and what the first wave tells us
  • Linking observed cases and deaths to basic epidemiological models
  • How different countries compare to each other in the way the outbreak developed
  • Complications of COVID-19
  • Immunity, the chameleon. Duration? Reinfection?
  • Correct interpretation of CFR, IFR
  • Exit strategies - which ones are most promising?
  • Cryptic transmission of SARS-CoV2 – a negligible aspect?
  • Genomics: how likely we will encounter an aggressive variant
  • A dreaded second wave at the horizon, next winter season?
Biographical details

Dr Achim Regenauer

is a specialist in internal medicine with many years of experience in clinical medicine before joining reinsurance industry. Over several decades he has acquired  knowledge in risk management of international life insurance (case assessment, development of guidelines, various forms and depths of underwriting, coaching, product counselling, claims, complaint management), partially also in the health and non-life areas of insurance. Dr Regenauer worked internationally for Munich Re at an executive level with additional engagements in various insurance associations (e.g. Board Member of the ICLAM and Chairman of the board of Department for Life Insurance Medicine in Germany), but also with frequent contact to actuarial organisations, governments and the media dealing with hot topics such as SARS and Avian influenza. In the last years one of his major task has been to monitor and to analyse non-financial trends in medicine, technology, society and politics in terms of their impact on life and health insurance.  As from January 1, 2017 he joined PartnerRe as Chief Medical Officer dealing with emerging topics such as pandemics, antimicrobial resistance, obesity etc. Major focus areas of his activities are longevity issues, underwriting, claims, critical illness, critical advantage, e-health and regular updates on Partner Re`s manual PAR (underwriting manual).

Dr Florian Gomez

specializes in mathematical modelling and data analysis. With a background in physics, he joined the PartnerRe Life & Health team in 2015 and has worked in multiple functions across the L&H teams. His current mandate covers the management of the risk & capital area, which includes the development and maintenance of mathematical models for L&H risks. A passionate user of the R language, he closely collaborates with PartnerRe’s Data Analytics team, with the goal to form a modern view on both traditional actuarial topics and emerging trends.

Event Type
Web Session
European Actuarial Academy