
Start time: 12.30 pm

End time: 2.00 pm


Webinar Excess mortality in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the world have been analysing death data in ways they never did before. Every news outlet has a statistician on staff or on call to help their audience understand what the data is telling us. In Ireland, where state death data has a longer time lag than some comparable countries, many analysts have turned to public data sources to provide insight into how Ireland is fairing the pandemic.

In this session, some of those that have been driving the great work in this area will present their analysis and discuss the challenges this sort of data analysis presents as well as the insights it provides.

Biographical details

John Flanagan: John has worked as a statistician with the Central Statistical Office for the last 12 years, in the areas of Health, Census of Population and Macro-economics. He currently works on the Balance of Payments.

John Nolan: John is an Analytics & Modelling Actuary with Hannover Re, having joined the firm in 2014. He has worked on a number of valuations, modelling and analytics related projects and is currently leading an R&D project in Ireland centred around natural language processing. John is a member of the Society of Actuaries Data Analytics Committee and Insurance Ireland’s Blockchain Working Group. He is also a member of the Society’s COVID-19 Action Group and has led the group’s analytics work in respect of excess mortality. He is also very active in the Datascience and Insurtech community in Dublin, being a member of the Analytics Institute.

Andrew Smith: Andrew Smith is an internationally renowned actuary who specialises in the application of advanced mathematical and statistical methods to solve problems in the financial services industry. Andrew is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University College Dublin (UCD). He joined UCD in 207 following 30 years as a consulting actuary for Deloitte and its predecessor companies including 16 years as an Actuarial Partner.

Dr Gerard McCarthy: Gerard McCarthy usually works in the field of climate change with ICARUS (Irish Climate Research and Analysis Unit) in the Department of Geography at Maynooth University. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has turned his geographical skills to mapping excess mortality associated with the pandemic in Ireland.  His co-authored RTÉ article on excess mortality derived from was widely reported in the media. He is currently working on a COVID-focused Science Foundation Ireland project lead by the Hamilton Institute at Maynooth University.


Event Type
CPD Event
John Flanagan (CSO Statistician), John Nolan (Hannover Re), Andrew Smith (Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UCD) and Dr Gerard McCarthy (ICARUS (Irish Climate Research and Analysis Unit) in the Department of Geography at Maynooth University)
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
18/08/2020 SAI User Guide for Zoom webinars - Attendees.pdf 312.01 KB Download
04/09/2020 SLIDES: Excess mortality in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic, Thursday 3rd Sept 2020 1.9 MB Download