
Monday, 29 June 2020

Start time: 9.30 am

End time: 5.15 pm 

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Start time: 9.10 am

End time: 1.30 pm


Data Science & Data Ethics e-Conference

Initially planned as an onsite event, the EAA is very happy and proud to run this special conference in an online environment to take into account the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions.

The actuarial focus has changed significantly over the last couple of years. Computational power is increasing with exponential growth, in addition more and more data is available. This combination puts the actuarial profession into a position where a new understanding has to be developed on today's possibilities of actuarial science and the ethical implications of it. The new role of actuaries within big data and ongoing digitalisation is not yet fully defined. Best practice experience sharing and exchange of ideas is needed! The EAA is delighted to offer all interested actuaries and other experts a forum for knowledge exchange:

On 29 and 30 June 2020, the first virtual EAA Conference "Data Science & Data Ethics" will be broadcast on the actuview video platform.

As the leading provider of high-class actuarial education and CPD activities in Europe, the European Actuarial Academy (EAA) will be hosting its first virtual conference with the aim

  • to present up-to-date solutions to technical problems,
  • to share best practices and personal insights
  • as well as to offer a forum for actuarial and data science experts.

The programme combines keynote speeches from well-known experts with food for thought and selected talks from professionals through a call for papers.

Please click here to read an abstract of each speaker's presentation and speaker BIOs also.  You will find this under 'Lecturers' on this webpage.

To register for this event, click here.


The lectures will relate to the following topics:

  • Use cases – Does Predictive Analytics really work and help in insurance?
  • ActuBot: Automating key actuarial tasks
  • How to make use of unstructured data?
  • Only Science Fiction? Using live data in insurance and pensions
  • Data storage: Modern approaches in times of Big Data
  • Using modern statistical methods in traditional actuarial tasks in insurance and pensions (pricing, reserving, risk management)
  • Actuarial approaches using big data outside traditional fields
  • Ethical questions around big data: What is the role of actuaries
  • Enhancing the actuarial role: How do we prepare for the developments to come

Please click here for full programme details.

Event Type