
Please discard the time and date above - there is no set time for these podcast, blog, video and infographics.


IMI Series Event, week 3: Leading through Change

MI’s mission and passion is to equip leaders to build the future.

They are launching a new content series which will deliver insights and inspiration to you digitally. 

They will focus on a theme every week and deliver insights through a podcast, blog, video or infographic that will help to boost your mental energy and disconnect from what is happening in the world for a short time.

Full content schedule here.

They also have a 'Lunchtime Listen' podcast series every week, that will get you out into the sunshine and exercise your body and mind.

If you are registering for the first time with the IMI, please use your work email and enter ‘Society of Actuaries in Ireland’ as your employer.


Week 3: Launching on the 6th April 2020

Webinar: Emotional Intelligence with Dr. Colm Foster

Watch IMI’s online session with IMI Director of Executive Education, as he explores how leaders can utilise their emotional intelligence to enhance people performance.

Watch here

Infographic: Building a resilient organisation

An infographic on building organisational resilience and moving to a growth mindset even in a time of crisis.

Download here

Lunchtime Listen: Performing at your Peak

This episode we talk to Friederike Fabritius about the neuroscience behind peak performance, and how getting the mixture between ‘fun’, ‘fear’ and ‘focus’ right can make you and your organisation perform brilliantly.

Listen here

Expert Blog: Back to the Laboratory: How Experimentation can enhance Organizational Resilience

Tracey Groves, CEO of Intelligent Ethics, looks at how now is the right time to experiment and how it can make your organisation more resilient against market shocks.

Read here

Interview: Leading Change With Deborah Rowland 

Interview with Deborah Rowland; thinker, speaker, writer, coach and practitioner in the field of leading large, complex change.

Listen here


Event Type
Blog, infographic, Podcast or video