
Event start time: 12.30 pm

Event end time: 2.00 pm


Webinar: A Deeper Dive on IFRS 17: Reinsurance and Transition

This event will be run as a live webinar using Zoom. Click here for information on using Zoom.

This presentation is the fourth in a series of IFRS 17 talks prepared jointly by the SAI life and non-life IFRS17 working groups.

It is suitable for both life and non-life members.


The recording of this event is now available on actuview.

Event Type
CPD Event
Members of the IFRS 17 working groups
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
27/04/2020 SAI Guide for Zoom webinars 142.65 KB Download
19/06/2020 SLIDES: A Deeper Dive on IFRS 17: Reinsurance and Transition 1.09 MB Download