
11th & 12th March 2019

Athens, Greece

Advanced Non-Life Pricing & Profitability: Machine Learning Techniques with R

Do you want to get familiar with some advanced actuarial/statistical techniques used in non-life pricing, competition analysis and profitability analysis?

Do you want to learn more about some practical problems faced by pricing actuaries and product managers?

Do you want to develop essential skills in new techniques used in non-life pricing in order to open new perspectives for product development (competition analysis, profitability analysis,…)?

If yes, our seminar "Advanced Non-Life Pricing & Profitability: Machine Learning Techniques with R" which is organised in co-operation with the Hellenic Actuarial Society on 11/12 March 2019 in Athens, Greece, is perfect for you.

The seminar is developed for non-life actuaries or statisticians but also for managers working in product development or risk management departments. It is designed as a follow-up workshop to the EAA seminars “Introduction to Non-Life Pricing” held in the years 2013-2018. Participation to this introductory seminar is not a prerequisite but participants should have basic knowledge of non-life pricing (especially of Generalized Linear Models) to participate to this advanced seminar. A short introduction will be performed to recall the key messages of the introductory seminar.

The early-bird registration fee is € 790.00 plus 24% VAT and valid until 21 January 2019. After this date the fee will be € 970.00 plus 24% VAT.

You may find all additional information in this print version as well as on our website where you will find the registration form.


Event Type
EAA - European Actuarial Academy GmbH