
From 12:00 to 1:15 PM Eastern Time

(5.00pm IST, Dublin)


Wearables and InsureTech: Implications for Insurance Professionals

On December 18th there will be an ACTEX eLearning Webinar:
Wearables and InsureTech: Implications for Insurance Professionals, co-sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries.

Wearable technology has been making its way into our personal lives over the last few years. With these developments, insurance companies are examining the potential benefits these devices can bring to the health and life products arena. As these devices become increasingly reliable and accurate, the biometric data they produce gives new insight into the real-time health of consumers, and apparently offer real value to insurance companies that must keep an eye on the future to stay relevant in the industry.

This Webinar introduces the concept of wearable bio-monitoring in the context of “InsureTech,” which is essentially developing technology that is transforming the traditional insurance landscape. They will examine some of the current wearable use cases in insurance, look at the devices and data in use and consider potential future developments. They will also analyze the potential pricing and underwriting considerations arising from the use of real-time biometric data collection and discuss the regulatory implications from enhancing risk classification and reducing adverse selection.

For more information on this please click here.



Event Type
Mark Farrell, Ph.D., FIA
ACTEX (co-sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries)