
16:00 to 18:00  GMT (12 – 2pm ET)


Ethical Leadership for Professionals

The “Know Yourself: Ethical Leadership Course” is designed to aid in cultivating the highest standards of ethical behavior standards that actuaries and professionals aspire to demonstrate in their work. Integrity and the practice of high ethical standards benefits not only our clients, our employees and ourselves; it sets an example for the entire actuarial and professional community to which we belong.

Self-awareness is paramount to better understand ourselves. The more self-aware we are, the more empowered we are to make changes, build on our strengths and identify areas we seek to improve. Those who have a clearer image of self are more conscious of their strengths, while more willing to acknowledge areas for improvement. This course will help you improve your self-awareness by helping you to understand what it means to be human. Knowing yourself in the context of being human means better seeing the heights to which you can soar and better understanding the depths to which you can fall.  Knowing yourself better will help you to thrive and help you avoid traps both at work and life in general.

By aligning perceptions with reality, this course will help you see both the perceptions that help you the most and those that may be hampering your progress.


Click here for further information and to register online for this webinar

Event Type
Colm Fitzgerald, BAFS, MA, FSAI, FIA
ACTEX Learning and Canadian Institute of Actuaries