
12.30pm - 1.00pm: Tea/coffee/sandwiches

1.00pm-2.00pm: Meeting


Chartered Accountants House, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 - Gold Hall

Is this the turning point for monetary policy?

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Biographical details

Rossa White joined the NTMA from Davy where he became Chief Economist in 2008. He began his career at Davy in 2002. He graduated with first-class honours degrees from University College Dublin: Masters in Economics and the Bachelor of Commerce (International). The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) hired Rossa White as Chief Economist in September 2010. Rossa is also responsible for Investor Relations for the NTMA. He played a lead role as part of the team that brought Ireland back to the bond market, following the crisis of 2010. The NTMA promoted him to Deputy Director in 2013.

Cost (members)
Cost (non-members)
Event Type
CPD Event
Mr Rossa White; Chief Economist, Deputy Director of The National Treasury Management Agency, Ireland
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
06/11/2017 Slides 4.87 MB Download
23/11/2017 LIA Accreditation Number 56.55 KB Download
29/11/2017 IOB Accreditation Confirmation 26.17 KB Download