
8.30am - 10.00am 

UCC Campus, The Council Room, College Rd, University College, Cork

IMI Advant-edge: Why Fostering a Growth Mindset in Organisations Matters

Details of the Society’s partnership with the Irish Management Institute (IMI) are available here.

There are 10 complimentary places at IMI CPD workshops and a discount of 50% for additional attendees. 

These CPD workshops are aimed at mid to senior level managers, and are designed to ensure managers are constantly refreshing and enhancing their management and leadership know how.

In the first IMI Advant-edge series in Cork, IMI faculty member Philip Matthews will explore the growth mindset with specific research from Stanford Psychologist, Carol Dweck, and will identify two distinct mindsets in people called Fixed and Growth. Whilst no individual is entirely one or the other, this has profound consequences for people and organisations. During this session they will ask the question, does your organisation have a growth mindset culture of development or a fixed mindset culture of genius?

If you wish to attend this event, please email the Society at by Tuesday, 31st October 2017.

The Society will then draw lots for the 10 complimentary places. The Society will contact you on the 1st November to advise you of the next steps in booking directly with the IMI.

Click here for more details of the Workshop.



Biographical details

Phillip Matthews was appointed President of the National College of Ireland (NCI) in March 2010. Prior to joining NCI, Phillip was responsible for establishing and directing the executive education centre at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School between the years of 2007 and 2010.

Before entering academia Phillip spent 20 years in industry between pharmaceuticals and consulting where he held roles in Sales, Marketing, HR and General Management.  He holds a BSc and a PhD in Zoology from Queen’s University, Belfast and Diplomas in Executive Coaching and Advanced Executive Coaching from UCD.

In addition to his current role as an IMI faculty member, Phillip remains active in leadership development and is an active executive coach and team coach.  He also continues to assist corporations with their leadership development, the development of coaching as a leadership competency.

Event Type
CPD Event
Philip Matthews; IMI Faculty Member