
4.00pm - tea/coffee
4.30pm - meeting
6.30pm - dinner

Alexander Hotel

Directors' Interest Group meeting

This event is open to Fellows or Associates who are currently, or in the recent past have been, Executive or Non-Executive Directors of financial institutions, and to actuaries who aspire to become INEDs in financial institutions.  We have a registered list of people who fall into one of these categories and are interested in attending events.

The next event of the Director Interest Group will address the growing body of consumer-focused legislation which is impacting on the insurance industry. John Larkin, Partner in William Fry, will discuss emerging regulation. He will also cover the increasing incidence of regulatory enforcement and the implications for affected directors. John's remarks will form the basis of a discussion on the challenges emerging for directors in regulation implementation and oversight as well as the practical implications of regulatory enforcement. 

We would be delighted if you are available to stay for dinner.  We have booked a table in Bang restaurant, so if you are available to join us, please tick the option for dinner when making your reservation.  The cost of dinner will be €50.

The members of the Leadership Team for the Group look forward to welcoming you on 17 November

Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Cost (members)
€50 if staying for dinner
Event Type
CPD Event
John Larkin, William Fry
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 161117 Directors Interest Group - John Larkin (William Fry) 790.13 KB Download