
3.30pm - tea/coffee
4.00pm - forum starts
6.00pm - forum finishes

Chartered Accountants House - Boardroom

Life (Re) Head of Actuarial Function Forum

The next Head of Actuarial Function forum for Life and Life Reinsurance actuaries will take place on Wednesday 28th September in the Chartered Accountants House Boardroom.


In order to attend this event, you must be an SAI member and be appointed to the HoAF role in a Life or Life Reinsurance company or expect to take on this role in the near future.


1.       Experiences to date

a)      Actuarial Function reporting 2016

b)      Opinions on TPs, underwriting , reinsurance

c)       HoAF opinion on the ORSA

d)      QRTs, quarterly calculations, SFCR/RSR

e)      How are you preparing for year end – data policy, experience reporting, best estimate assumptions?

2.       Central Bank updates – feedback to the SAI from Sylvia Cronin, updates on CP103 and CP104

3.       The HoAF and the Long Term Business Fund - consequences for I-E tax, dividends, allocation of profits

4.       Emerging issues – TPs and SCR calculations

5.       SAI update

a)      Current activity of the life committee

b)      Possible changes in CPD and Practising Certificates

c)       Suggested topics for next HoAF Forum

6.       AOB


Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Cost (members)
Event Type
CPD Event
Members of the Life Committee