
25th April: 18.30-20.30 Welcome Reception

26th April: 08.50-17.30 Opening Ceremony & Colloquium

27th April: 08.15-1700 End of Colloquium

Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong.

Life Section Colloquium 2016

The Colloquium is a forum to give senior insurance professionals an opportunity to come together to discuss today's capital regimes, digital and product innovation, risk based economic management, and the actuarial profession.

The theme for the 2016 Life Section Colloquium is "Insurance Evolution: Change is the Only Constant". It recognises that the life insurance industry continues to evolve to meet the needs of its customers, and that the role of actuaries must keep pace. Challenges include embracing today's regulatory demands, adapting to changes in socio-demographic behavior and technology and other as yet unknown externalities.

International regulators, industry leaders and academics are lined up and charged to share their in-depth perspectives on this year's Life Section Colloquium theme. A rich programme containing latest actuarial research coupled with useful qualitative nature in the plenary and scientific sessions is outlined in the website. You can also find attached the programme flyer.

Senior actuaries and insurance professionals are invited to attend. Please follow this link to complete the Early-bird registration form by 29 February 2016.


Please see Agenda attached

Event Type
Please see attached file.
International Actuarial Association
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 Programme Flyer 1.33 MB Download