
14th & 15th May

Croke Park, Dublin 3

European Insurance Forum 2015

The re/insurance industry plays a central role in providing businesses and individuals around the world with security should they be struck by adverse events. In the year leading up to EIF2015 we have witnessed how disasters (natural and man-made) are becoming more of a growing global challenge to business and country stability, competitiveness, sustainability and resilience. By November 2014, ReliefWeb, a specialized digital service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, noted 47 current disasters around the globe, including the Ebola virus outbreak, the Ukrainian crisis as it enters its first winter and the issues therein for a rising population of half a million displaced people, Syrians fleeing to Turkey and Iraq and ISIS increasing its land-grab and Hurricane Gonzalo and strange weather phenomena.

EIF2015 will explore the interactions between business investments, disaster risks and societal impact. EIF2015 will bring together experts and practitioners to debate and better understand and analyse global risks today and into the future.

The full Programme is available here

Event Type
DIMA (Dublin International Insurance & Management Association)