
9am - 4.30pm

Four Seasons Hotel, Ballsbridge

Risk Management Perspectives Conference

The “Risk Management Perspectives” conference will provide attendees with insights into the challenges and opportunities that risk management creates for organisations.  Speakers will include experts with banking, insurance, pharmaceutical and energy backgrounds, and the Central Bank of Ireland will also be represented. 

The programme also includes two panel discussions, giving attendees the chance to engage in an active discussion on putting risk management principles into practice, both within a Solvency II context and more widely. 


To access podcast please contact the Society: 

Cost (members)
Cost (non-members)
€350 (10% discount if 3 or more attend from the same organisation)
Event Type
See agenda
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 Slides from morning session.pdf 5.71 MB Download
30/11/2016 Slides from afternoon session.pdf 3.72 MB Download
30/11/2016 LIA Accreditation 71.24 KB Download