
12.30pm - tea/coffee/sandwiches

1pm-  meeting

Alexander Hotel

The Fiscal Treaty, the Economic Environment & Solvency II: Possible Implications for Life and General Insurance Companies

Our paper looks at:

(i) the possible implications of the forthcoming Fiscal Treaty for the economic environment in the EU;

(ii) the current economic environment in Ireland and the EU with particular reference to banking, consumer and corporate debt, the ECB's recent LTRO programme and austerity measures;  and

(iii) some key features of Solvency II

This meeting will be of particular interest to recent qualifiers and senior students.

The paper is now attached.


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Biographical details

Andrew and Caolan are both Actuarial Science higher diploma students in UCD.

Cost (members)
Cost (non-members)
Event Type
Lunchtime meeting
Andrew Caslin and Caolan O'Callaghan
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 120518 Fiscal Treaty.pdf 214.09 KB Download
30/11/2016 120518 Fiscal Treaty Economic Environment Solvency II Possible Implications for Life & General Insurance.pdf 359.52 KB Download