
12.30pm - Tea / Coffee / Sandwiches

1pm (sharp) - Meeting commences and concludes at 2pm

Alexander Hotel

Introduction to Solvency II

This event will provide an overview of Solvency II, including the key emerging issues and the timeline of developments that will bring us to implementation in October 2012. It is aimed primarily at actuaries practising in a life or non-life environment who have not previously had significant involvement in Solvency II, and at actuaries practising in other areas who are interested in getting a general understanding of Solvency II. It will also serve as a useful introductory session for a series of further events on more detailed aspects of Solvency II being organised by the SAI Solvency II Committee before the end of the year.


To access podcast please contact the Society: 

Cost (members)
No charge to members/€50 to non members
Event Type
Lunchtime Meeting
Mike Frazer
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 091022 Introduction to Solvency II.pdf 60.34 KB Download