
6.00 p.m. Tea/Coffee - 6.30 p.m. Meeting

The Alexander Hotel

How risky does the public think their investments are?

Following on from their paper How risky is my investment? Damian Fadden and John Caslin now report the results of, what they believe was, the first-ever nationwide survey of consumers’ attitudes to risk, return and advice in relation to investing.  The survey was funded by a research grant from the Society of Actuaries in Ireland.  The timing of the survey is also particularly interesting as it was taken after falls of over 80% in Irish banking shares, falls of over 30% in managed pension funds and the introduction of the Government guarantee for a number of domestic deposit taking institutions.  The paper also reviews the predictive power of and updates the return tables in their earlier paper.  The paper will be of particular interest to regulators and product design actuaries

N. B.  The QFA Board has awarded CPD hours for this meeting as follows  -  1.5 hours Formal CPD

Cost (members)
Members: No Charge - Non-Members: €50
Event Type
Evening Meeting
John Caslin & Damian Fadden
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 Presentation 468.7 KB Download