Internal Control

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ERM Resource Internal Control For Insurance Undertakings control cultureERM and Risk Management FrameworkInternal ControlNo specific riskRisk assessment
ERM Resource Emerging governance practices in enterprise risk management audit committeeBoard of Directorschief risk officerCompliance and Corporate GovernanceCorporate GovernanceCROInternal ControlNo specific risk
ERM Resource The Role of U.S. Corporate Boards in Enterprise Risk Management audit committeeBoard of Directorschief risk officerCompliance and Corporate GovernanceCorporate GovernanceCROInternal ControlNo specific risk
ERM Resource The role of strategic enterprise risk management and organizational flexibility in easing new regulatory compliance Control environmentInternal ControlIT compatibilityManagement control systemsOrganizational flexibilityregulatory riskSarbanes–Oxley ActStrategic RiskStrategy
ERM Resource Internal controls and the cost of fraud: An empirical investigation FraudFraudInternal ControlNo category
ERM Resource Finding financial fraudsters: Quantitative and behavioural finance approaches FraudFraudInternal ControlNo category
ERM Resource Guidance on Risk Management, Internal Control and Related Financial and Business Reporting Compliance and Corporate GovernanceCorporate GovernanceERM GuidanceERM GuidanceInternal ControlNo specific risk
ERM Resource Does the existence of an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program influence the existence of material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting Benefits of ERMCompliance and Corporate GovernanceEnterprise Risk Management (ERM)Financial ReportingInternal Control