Study on Assess of Enterprise Risk Management in China Based on Entropy Weight/TOPSIS Method

Submitted on 7th September 2017

Enterprise risk management (ERM) has raised increasing concern in the field of risk management, and brought practical revenues to enterprises in today’s complex interrelated global business environment. It is a valuable question for China enterprises how to improve the ERM performance. Based upon ERM implemental goals published by COSO, we use relevant data from non-financial listed corporations in SSE, from the perspectives of strategic effectiveness, operational efficiency, reporting reliability and corporate compliance. The data of 509 Chinese enterprises is validly interpreted by entropy weight/TOPSIS method to assess the ERM performance, and to analyse the status of ERM in China. Such models provide means quantitatively improve decision making with respect to the ERM performance.

School of ManagementScience and Engineering,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China
Length of Resource
10 pages
Li Nan
Date Published
Publication Type
Resource Type