Other CPD Opportunities

Other possible sources of CPD

Note: The websites below are offered only as suggestions.  There are many other bodies that also offer suitable CPD.  Members will need to assess the suitability of any events and publications offered by the various bodies for the purposes of their CPD.  If there are sources of CPD that you find particularly useful, please let the Society know (info@actuaries.ie), so that we can mention them to other members. 


Actuarial Association of Europe www.actuary.eu
American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries www.asppa.org
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants www.ireland.accaglobal.com
Association of Pension Lawyers in Ireland www.apli.ie
Central Bank of Ireland www.centralbank.ie
Chartered Accountants Ireland www.charteredaccountants.ie
Department of Finance www.finance.gov.ie
Dublin International Insurance & Management Association www.dima.ie
Financial Reporting Council (UK) www.frc.org.uk
Financial Services Ireland www.fsi.ie
Institute of Bankers in Ireland www.iob.ie
International Actuarial Association www.actuary.org
Institute & Faculty of Actuaries www.actuaries.org.uk
Insurance Institute of Ireland www.iii.ie
International Accounting Standards Board www.iasb.org.uk
Irish Association of Investment Managers www.iaim.ie
Irish Association of Pension Funds www.iapf.ie
Irish Institute of Pension Management www.iipm.ie
Insurance Ireland www.insuranceireland.eu
Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association www.plsa.co.uk
Pensions Management Institute www.pensions-pmi.org.uk
The Pensions Authority www.pensionsauthority.ie
The Pensions Policy Institute www.pensionspolicyinstitute.org.uk
The Pensions Regulator (UK) www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk
The Professional Association for Financial Services www.lia.ie
The Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland www.ssisi.ie