
Saturday, 23rd November 2024

Start time: 9.00 am

End time: 1.00 pm

Online: Zoom

Exam Technique for IFoA Exams from Classic Actuarial Education

Announcement from the Classic Actuarial Education organiser: 

Classic Actuarial Education provides new and innovative educational offerings to make qualifying as an actuary a smoother and more constructive experience. 

The new Exam Technique Tuition is primarily aimed at students who are transitioning from university education and beginning their IFoA exams. 

IFoA exams are a different beast to other exams and the tuition provides students with an approach that makes the process of sitting them more functional (and less dysfunctional).

Over the four hours of the tutorial, a specific exam technique is demonstrated that, if followed, would make a student as likely to pass, as would be the case if they were preparing for a university exam. The typical ways that students slip up are also fully covered with open candour.

For further information on Actuarial Exam Remediation Tuition, click here.

How do I book?  Visit

Biographical details

Dr. Colm Fitzgerald has extensive experience in actuarial education and with the IFoA exams. He was an IFoA examiner for 16 years, and was recently elected to IFoA Council. 

Cost (members)
€250.00 (Vocational and professional education is VAT exempt in Ireland and therefore the tuition is not subject to VAT.)
Cost (non-members)
€250.00 (Vocational and professional education is VAT exempt in Ireland and therefore the tuition is not subject to VAT.)
Event Type
Actuarial Exam Tutorial
Event format
Virtual event
Tutor: Dr Colm Fitzgerald FIA FSAI
Classic Actuarial Education