
3.00pm - 5.30pm

River Suite, Central Bank of Ireland, North Wall Quay, North Dock, Dublin

Insurance Industry Workshop - Responsible Use of Big Data and Related Technologies in Insurance

Announcement from Central Bank of Ireland organiser:

The Central Bank of Ireland will host a workshop for Executives within Irish regulated (re) insurance undertakings who are involved in or considering the use of digital data sources, new or non-traditional technologies or other forms of increased digitalisation in their organisations.

This workshop follows on from the Central Bank’s publication of its report "Data Ethics Within Insurance" and the results of the Digitalisation in Insurance survey in 2023. At the workshop, we invite participants to share their views on the main risks and responsibilities in embracing newdata and technologies within insurance, which will inform the Central Bank’s ongoing work in this area.

Attendees will be registered on a first come first served basis. There is no charge for this event. 

Upon receipt of attendee registration information, we will send a calendar invitation with further information on the agenda and some questions that we would like participants to consider in advance.

Click here to make a registration.


Opening Address – Gerry Cross

Workshop discussion in relation to the main risks and responsible use of Big Data and Related Technologies – All 

Artificial Intelligence Act update  - Julian Arevalo

Biographical details

Gerry Cross, Director of Financial Regulation - Policy and risk, Central Bank of Ireland
Julian Arevalo, Senior Expert on Financial Innovation, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

Event Type
In person
Event format
Live event
Gerry Cross and Julian Arevalo
Central Bank of Ireland