
Start time: 4.00 pm

End time: 5.00 pm

Online: Zoom

Virtual Meeting: Life HoAF Forum

This webinar will be held over zoom. Click here to read the User Guide for Zoom webinars/meetings.


In order to attend this event, you must be a SAI member and be appointed to the HoAF role in either a Life company, or expect to take on this role in the near future.

Meeting detail:

Marguerite Sinnott from William Fry will give a presentation on the Individual Accountability Framework and Senior Executive Accountability Regime (SEAR) for Heads of Actuarial Functions in life insurance companies followed by a Q&A session.  


NB: As a security measure, there is a two-step registration process before you receive the link to join any meeting.  The first step is to register your interest in attending a meeting by making a reservation for an event via the Society’s website.  You will receive a link to then register via the Zoom platform.  It is after this second registration step that you will receive the link to join the meeting. 

Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Event Type
Event format
Virtual event