
Start time: 4.00 pm (with tea/coffee + biscuits from 3.30 pm)

End time: 6.00 pm

Clayton Hotel Cardiff Lane, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin Docklands, Dublin, D02 YT21

In-person: Pensions Risk Management Forum

The Pensions Risk Management Forum will provide members with an opportunity to hear directly from the Pensions Authority on expectations regarding risk management for Pensions Schemes and on the first iteration of the ORA report. The Central Bank of Ireland, as a regulator who has been through the implementation of similar regulations for the insurance sector including the ORSA report, will also provide a perspective on lessons learnt from implementation and how these could be applied to the pensions industry. There will be an opportunity for Q&A at the event and a facility for questions to be submitted anonymously in advance - If you would like to submit a question in advance, please email with your question and it will be asked anonymously at the forum.

The second hour of the Forum will cover professionalism training.

Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Event Type
Event format
Live event
Brendan Kennedy, Pensions Regulator and Tim O’Hanrahan, Head of Insurance Supervision Division
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
01/03/2024 Pension Forum - final slides 993.8 KB Download
22/03/2024 LIA CODE 165.88 KB Download