
25th November 2023, 9:00 am -1:00 pm

18th June 2024, 5:00pm - 9:00 pm




Passing Actuarial Exams on Your Own

Announcement from the Classic Actuarial Education organiser: 

Transitioning from University to IFoA actuarial exams – how to pass the later IFoA actuarial exams on your own

This is a four hour online tutorial that positively explains what you need to do to pass IFoA actuarial exams when studying on your own.

It explains exactly how IFoA actuarial exams work, what are the rules of the game, and how you can approach them in a way that you have greater control whether you pass or not.

The tuition approach is based on a student ONLY using IFoA Core Reading and Past Exam Papers and means a student will not need to purchase any other tuition or tuition materials, likely saving them or their employer considerable sums.

Further information on purchasing Core Reading from the IFoA can be found here.

This unique tuition is only available through Classic Actuarial Education.


Why is this tuition important?

Actuarial exams are widely regarded as a step up from university exams. The pass rate for these exams is also significantly lower than for university exams. However, much of this failing is needless and preventable.

Until now there has been no course to explain to students exactly what they need to do to ensure they pass the actuarial exams.

Furthermore, the cost of tuition for actuarial exams can be onerous. This new service aims to noticeably reduce the cost of tuition for the later IFoA actuarial exams.


Who is the tutorial aimed at?

The tutorial is aimed at students who have recently left university and are planning to sit the later exams of the IFoA, specifically, CP1, SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5, SP7, SP9, SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4.


What can students expect from the tutorial?

Students can expect to learn an approach to study and prepare for the IFoA exams that if followed, will result in a very high probability of passing.



Click here to make a reservation for the 25th November 2023 tutorial

Click here to make a reservation for the 18th June 2024 tutorial


Event Type
Web Session
Event format
Virtual event
Classic Actuarial Education